Buncombe County -- August 21, 2024: Press Release: Buncombe County Government News: With more than 2,300

people casting a vote, the numbers have been tallied and crunched, and Buncombe County Election Services is pleased to announce that 12-year-old Maya LeRoy’s ‘I Voted’ sticker design won the 2024 Youth Election Sticker contest. “We’re excited to feature the art from one of our future voters on the next sticker,” says Election Services Director Corinne Duncan. “Maya’s design will be available to all Buncombe County voters in the upcoming presidential election. Don’t worry, if you prefer the more traditional route, regular stickers will also be available.”

Young artists across Buncombe County submitted almost 70 different sticker designs, which were narrowed down to 10 finalists. Nearly 6,000 people viewed those final designs on the Engage.BuncombeCounty.org website. “We are thrilled to have received so many submissions for our second sticker contest,” says Duncan. “Thousands of people voted on these designs. I’m happy that these young artists stirred so much buzz; they should all be very proud.”

Maya is excited too. The Asheville City Schools rising seventh grader says, “I want voters to know that it is important for all different types of people to vote because they should get to have a say in the people that will run our country."  We asked her to share a little bit of the inspiration behind her design, “the heart is for love and the colors are for diversity.”

Congratulations to Maya and all the contest participants. Finalists will be recognized at an upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting. Early Voting in Buncombe County for the 2024 General Election starts on Oct. 17; click here for everything you need to know.

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