Waynesville -- Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation’s 19th Annual Dog Walk on Main  Welcome to the 19th Annual

Sarge's Animal Rescue Foundation Dog Walk! 

We are so excited to be here and raise much-needed funding for our animal rescue that has given forever homes to over 11,700 dogs and cats in the last 20 years.

See the bottom of the page for the map of our walk route. We start walking at 10am on September 7th!

Here you can choose a Sponsorship Level and choose what name or business name you want us to print on our Dog Walk T-Shirts for your support!

* Sponsors may request up to 2 t-shirts 

* Any donation over $500 is eligible for our limited vendor space. First come first serve for the 15 spaces we have!

* Sponsors may also walk dogs for free, just let us know in the form if you would like to do so.

Sponsors will be provided a personalized 'thank you' social media post to our 33,000 followers, inclusion on our event banner, inclusion in our event emails, and permanent logos on our re-cap blog page for the event. 

Register & Get Event T-Shirt here

Image: WNCTimes

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