Asheville -- City of Asheville Press Release: At its April 16 meeting, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners learned more about the Fair Housing and Language Access Plans,

approved resolutions for General and Limited Obligation Bonds, and passed several proclamations recognizing special awareness days. 

Fair Housing Plan 

Staff presented Commissioners with a presentation on the Buncombe County Plan to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. The plan identifies barriers and recommendations to fair housing choice, lists recommended activities to further fair housing, and identifies methods to receive and resolve housing discrimination. 

Barriers, as found in the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice for Buncombe County, include inadequate housing supply for sale and rent, inadequate supply of accessible housing options, lack of housing finance options to achieve homeownership, discrimination based on source of rental income and previous eviction, and lack of awareness of fair housing laws. 

Recommendations for these barriers include revising several aspects of zoning districts, especially related to minimum lot sizes and density, to increase housing supply, continuing to participate in federal programs,
 and use local funds and programs to rehab and retrofit existing structures, and improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and more. 

The County will continue to further Fair Housing in 2024 by supporting actions that seek to increase the number of landlords participating in voucher programs, continuing to prohibit source of income discrimination in Affordable Housing Services Program-funded projects, and more. 

The County has created a “Fair Housing” document that can be shared broadly to help raise awareness about fair housing protections from discrimination and resources on how to file a complaint online or by calling (828) 250-6568 or emailing 
Click here to view the full Fair Housing Plan. 

As part of the Fair Housing Plan presentation, Commissioners also recognized April as Fair Housing Month through a proclamation that confirms the County’s commitment to fair housing for an inclusive community. Click here to read the full proclamation. 
General and Limited Obligation Bonds 
Commissioners approved resolutions to authorize the issuance of General Obligation (GO) and Limited Obligation Bonds (LOBS). 

This resolution authorizes the first issuance of the GO bonds under the County’s Affordable Housing Bond Order approved by voters in 2022. The Bonds are not to exceed $17 million of Taxable General Obligation Bonds to fund projects. The resolution provides the legal framework for the issuance of the bonds, sets the parameters of the bond structure, and requests that the Local Government Commission sell the bonds on a competitive basis. The GO resolution can be

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