LUMBERTON -- Lumberton Police and FBI announced the arrest of a man in the kidnapping and murder of 13-year-old Hania Agulilar.


Michael Ray McLellan,34, was in jail on unrelated charges when arrested and charged with the following:

1st Degree Murder,
1st Degree Forcible Rape,
Statutory rape of a person under 15 years of age or younger,
1st Degree Sexual Offense,
Statutory sex offense with a person 15 years or younger,
1st Degree Kidnapping,
Felony Larceny,
Felony Restraint,
Abduction of Child,
Concealment of a death


Article on Wnctimes about Hania's kidnapping and death Here


*Editor's note: A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.



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