Rutherford County -- March 24, 2024: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office Report: On 03/22/24 -- 

Deputies with the Rutherford County Road Patrol division went to a residence in the area of Newton Cole Road and Jacobs Lane, in reference to a possible trespassing call.

While in that area deputies noticed multiple dogs at a residence where the previous tenant was evicted on 02/20/24. Deputies on scene noticed that the K9s appeared to be malnourished and where not being properly taken care of, along with the fact no one was supposed to be at this residence due to the prior eviction.

Deputies checked the residence, after hearing barking coming from inside and located another large K9 that was in a crate of the evicted residence. The crate had been zip-tied shut and was covered with a blanket. The deputies immediately requested the assistance of Rutherford County Animal Control and began an investigation. 

The K9s were fed on scene by deputies who were prepared by having a bag of dog food in their patrol car for such occasions. Another one of the K9s that was located outside the residence was in a make-shift kennel that had no door and was wired shut. That K9 had feces all over the kennel, due to not being able to get out, and only had a road cone likely taken from the roadway as shelter. Deputies were able to identify the owners and neglectors of the K9s to be Justin Robert Buckner and Brandi Breann Laughlin. Rutherford County Animal Control transported the K9s to the Rutherford County Animal Shelter with the assistance of deputies utilizing their patrol cars due to 6 animals having to be taken.

Deputies secured warrants on Justin and Brandi for 6 counts of cruelty to animals. On 03/23/24, deputies arrested Justin at a residence on Jacobs Lane, and he was also in possession of methamphetamine. On 03/24/24, deputies arrested Brandi at a residence on Jacobs Lane where she was found hiding underneath a blanket.

Justin Robert Buckner, 31, of Forest City, was arrested and charged with the following:
Possession of Methamphetamine
Possess Drug Paraphernalia not for Marijuana
Cruelty to Animals (X6)
Buckner was held without bond reference pre-trial release

Brandi Breann Laughlin, 25, of Forest City, was arrested and charged with the following:
Cruelty to Animals (X6)
Laughlin was given a $4,500 secured bond

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


Image Credit: WNCTimes


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