Mitchell County -- March 6, 2024: Mitchell County Sheriff's Office Report: Mitchell County Sheriff’s Office, Spruce Pine

and ATF assisted North Carolina Probation with probation home checks on offenders last night, as a result of that the following were arrested.

Paul John Philip (age 53)
McKinney Mine Rd Spruce Pine
Was charged and arrested for the following:
Possess Methamphetamine
Possess Drug Paraphernalia
Court Date: 4-10-2024
Bond: $12,500

Jamie Alan Ledford (28)
Rabbit Hop Rd Spruce Pine
Was charged and arrested for the following
Possess Methamphetamine
Poss Drug Paraphernalia
Court Date: 4-10-2024
Bond: $12,500

Megan Brittney (age 36)
Rabbit Hop Rd Spruce Pine
Possess Methamphetamine
Possess Drug Paraphernalia
Court Date: 4-10-2023
Bond: $12,500

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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