Cherokee County -- March 5, 2024: The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office reported the following arrest:

On Friday, February 16, 2024, Tribal Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner George Mitchell Littlejohn, a 61-year- old, enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians was arrested on six felony charges and five misdemeanor charges related to misuse of Tribal funds.

Chief of Police Carla Neadeau would like to applaud the Tribal Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Agency, and the Cherokee Indian Police Department. Once the criminal activity was discovered, quick action was taken to preserve evidence and to close an airtight case, which is always the goal of any investigation. At this time the Cherokee Indian Police Department cannot elaborate on the details of the criminal case.

Chief Neadeau stated, “arrests such as these show the seriousness of taking advantage of appointed positions. When someone takes advantage of a Tribal entity, it is the same as taking advantage of the entire tribal community. Principal Chief Michell Hicks has been very passionate about protecting tribal resources and officers of the Cherokee Indian Police Department will do all that they can within the law to do the same.”

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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