HOUSTON, TX -- President H.W. Bush's service dog, Sully, still by his side. Bush spokesperson, Jim McGrath posted this photograph Sunday with caption "Mission Complete #Remembering41."


Sully (named after Chelsey B. "Sully Sullenberger III, the air pilot known for landing the passenger plane safely in 2009 on the Hudson River. All 155 passengers and crew were saved. June from America's VetDogs nonprofit organization. The president had a form of Parkinson's disease, and Sully could open doors, pick up items and summon help.


Sully began his service to Bush in June, came from America's VetDogs nonprofit organization. The president had a form of Parkinson's disease, Sully could open doors, pick up items and summon help.

Sully will return to America's VetDogs in New York before joining the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's Facility Dog Program.




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