North Carolina -- November 7, 2023 Today, voters are going to the polls to vote in municipal elections throughout the state of North Carolina.

The polling stations open at 6:30 a.m. and conclude at 7:30 p.m.

Any eligible voter will be permitted to submit their ballot. Voters who meet the requirements can access their designated polling places and a model ballot using the Voter Search Tool service provided by the State Board.  

Upon arrival at their designated polling location, voters will be required to present a valid form of identification that includes a photograph. The majority of voters will present their driver's license,  there are alternative picture IDs that are also deemed valid. To access additional details, including the comprehensive roster of valid identification documents, please refer to the Voter ID webpage. In the event that a voter is unable to present a photo identification, they have the option to cast their vote by completing an ID Exception Form and utilizing a provisional ballot.

North Carolina residents are not permitted to register to vote on Election Day unless they have become eligible after the regular voter registration deadline by becoming a U.S. citizen or having their rights restored following a felony sentence.

Individuals who require aid at the polling stations must explicitly ask for such assistance. Curbside voting is provided for individuals who, due to age or handicap, are unable to enter the voting location unassisted. Upon entering the polling station, voters encountering any challenges should seek assistance from an election official. Refer to the Help for Voters with Disabilities for additional details.

If you arrive to vote and your name is not included on the voter registry, you have the option to request a provisional ballot. Approximately one week following the election, individuals who have submitted a provisional ballot have the ability to verify the progress of their ballot through the use of the Provisional Search Tool To obtain further details, please refer to Provisional Voting


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