Asheville -- July 28, 2023: West Asheville motor vehicle and residential break-ins have increased in recent weeks.

Unlocked cars are stolen most often. Leaving your vehicle with the doors locked and reporting unusual behavior to
the authorities can help prevent this crime of opportunity.

The Asheville Police Department shared the following safety tips.

ā€¢ Secure your vehicle. Lock all doors, and do not leave windows
cracked, even in the summer.
ā€¢ Don't leave valuable items in plain sight; keep them hidden or
take them with you.
ā€¢ Utilize anti-theft and/or vehicle alarms.
ā€¢ Park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
ā€¢ Be aware of your surroundings.
ā€¢ Don't leave a spare key in your vehicle.
ā€¢ Don't leave your vehicle running unattended.
ā€¢ Report suspicious activity to the Asheville Police Department at
(828) 252-1110, or in an emergency, call 911

WNCTimes wanted to pass on this important information. 

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