Asheville -- May 2, 2023 : As part of an ongoing investigation, detectives with the Asheville Police Department
have charged a second person in relation to a homicide that occurred in January.

For his part in the shooting death of Mackenzie McCord Strickland Jamel Marquis Fisher has been charged with Felony Accessory After the Fact. Fisher was spotted by police in west Asheville at 2:38 p.m. on May 1. 
When a 9mm Walther CCP pistol was discovered during the arrest, Fisher was additionally charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

The investigation continues. If anyone has more information about the case, you can anonymously text TIP2APD to 847411 or use the TIP2APD smartphone application (search "Asheville PD" in your app store). You can also contact APD directly at (828) 252-1110.)

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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