News -- January 17, 2023: Just hours after the Bulldogs celebrated their second consecutive national
championship with a parade and ceremony,

Georgia offensive lineman Devin Willock, age 20,  and a member of the recruiting staff, Chaldler LeCroy, age 24,
perished in a car accident early on Sunday, according to the school. The collision took place south of the Georgia campus in Athens 

Two injured passengers in the crash were identified as Georgia offensive lineman Warren McClendon, 21, who received minor injuries, and Victoria Bowles, 26, both in stable condition.

“Devin was an outstanding young man in every way. He was always smiling, was a great teammate and a joy to coach. Chandler was a valuable member of our football staff and brought an incredible attitude and energy every single day,” 
UGA Head Football Coach Kirby Smart said.




WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington

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