Sylva -- At around 12:30 Friday October 28, 2022, , Sylva Police were searching for Jake Michael Raeford,
wanted on several charges. Raeford of Cherokee was wanted for the following charges:

1 Count - Felony Possession a Schedule I Controlled Substance.
1 Count - Felony Possession of Synthetic Cannabis.
1 Count - Misdmeanor Possession of Marijuana.

Sergeant Robbie Carter discovered Mr. Radford at the Sylva, North Carolina, Nicol Arms Apartments.

Radford was arrested and found to be in possession of a gun as well as additional controlled substances.

Sylva Police filed two additional charges on Mr. Radford today:
1 Count - Felony Carrying Concealed Firearm.
1 Count - Misdmeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Mr. Radford was ordered to be placed in the Jackson County Jail under a $110,000 secured bond.

Following this arrest, our officers had reason to think that Mr. Radford's car and a particular unit at the Nicol Arms Apartments may have contained additional guns and drugs.
Officers from the Sylva Police Department requested and were given a search warrant for Mr. Radford's car and the specified apartment. The search warrant covered both drugs and weapons.
During this search, evidence-related things, such as weapons and drug-related items, were discovered.
The Sylva Police will examine the material gathered and decide whether more charges are necessary.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington

Image: Sylva Police Department

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