Asheville --  May 9, 2022: Detectives and officers with the Asheville Police Department apprehended a man in west Asheville on Thursday evening for trafficking drugs and possessing a stolen weapon.

Jaylin Trevon Gardner was arrested around 6:30 p.m. May 5,2022 near the 30 block of Cordova St. after initially fleeing officers on foot; he was soon apprehended and charged with the following:

Possession of a Stolen Firearm
Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Schedule II
Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Schedule I
Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver a Controlled Substance within 1,000 feet of a School
Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver a Controlled Substance within 1,000 feet of a Park
Carrying a Concealed Gun
Resist, Delay, Obstruct
2nd Degree Trespass
Glock 17 9mm pistol (reported stolen by APD)
21.77 grams of crack cocaine
7 pills of ecstasy
If you have information about illegal gun or drug activity, you are encouraged to contact APD at (828) 252-1110. Or you send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search "Asheville PD" in your app store) or by texting TIP2APD to 847411.

*Editor's Note: A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington

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