GENEVA — March 1, 2022On Tuesday, nearly 100 diplomats walked out while Lavrov was delivering a speech

to the United Nations Human Rights Council via video link.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov was interrupted by a walkout of about 100 diplomats from Western countries, including Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva.

Mr. Lavrov, who had planned to deliver his remarks in person until European countries banned Russian flights from entering their airspace amid the conflict in Ukraine, said that he was unable to attend the Human Rights Council session in person. He delivered his speech remotely from Moscow instead.

Lavrov said that Ukraine had "made territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threatened to use force to acquire a military nuclear capability" claims the Kremlin has made. He added "We cannot fail to respond to this real danger."

Wnctimes by Marjorie Farrington

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