Bryson City -- A dog was reported suffering with an arrow in its body, is now recovering at PAWS of Bryson City.


Pet Rescue Report  Dog recuperating after someone shot her with an arrow September 18, 2018

A dog is recuperating from horrible injuries after someone shot her with an arrow. The dog, dubbed Ms A, has been taken under the wing of PAWS of Bryson City in North Carolina.

What happened?
The rescue agency recounted the injured dog’s situation:

Beth Cline-Stroud, (Executive Director of P.A.W.S. Placing Animals Within Society of Bryson City NC) was headed to Maggie Valley to set up for an adoption event in Maggie Valley when she got the call from shelter staff Jesse Fortner that someone had called about a dog running around with an arrow through it’s body. The good Samaritan said the dog had shown up on his porch the day before with the arrow and then the next morning was still lying under a bush in his yard.

The rescue group went to search for the injured dog, but she was not found until the following morning…by the time she was discovered she was “barely hanging on.”

The veterinary care
The injured blue heeler was taken to REACH Veterinary Specialists of Asheville; she will remain at the veterinary hospital until she is strong enough to continue her recovery at a foster home. Donations are being collected to help with the thousands of dollars of veterinary expenses for Ms A’s care. Please Donate






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