Texas -- Tuesday Auguse 17, 2021: The Office of the Governor of Texas Greg Abbot released a statement today announcing

he tested positive for COVID-19.

Today's statement can be read in full below: 


In a statment Abbot released August 11, 2021 through his office said in part: โ€œUnder Executive Order GA-38, no governmental entity can require or mandate the wearing of masks,โ€ said Governor Abbott. โ€œThe path forward relies on personal responsibility—not government mandates. The State of Texas will continue to vigorously fight the temporary restraining order to protect the rights and freedoms of all Texans.โ€

The statement titled "Governor Abbott, Attorney General Paxton Aligned in Defense of Executive Order Prohibiting Mask Mandates" can be read here

wnctimes Marjorie Farrington

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