Trump calls for 'justice' in the Ashli Babbitt shooting during Capitol Attack
Former President Trump released a statement calling a capitol police officer a murderer.
Trump called for "justice" at the end of the release on Wednesday.
Statement released August 11, 2021:
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
I spoke to the wonderful mother and devoted husband of Ashli Babbitt, who was murdered at the hands of someone who should never have pulled the trigger of his gun. We know who he is. If that happened to the “other side,” there would be riots all over America and yet, there are far more people represented by Ashli, who truly loved America, than there are on the other side. The Radical Left haters cannot be allowed to get away with this. There must be justice!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spokesperson press release response to Trump
Pelosi Spokesperson Statement Calling on House Republican Leadership to Condemn Continued Republican Attacks on U.S. Capitol Police
AUGUST 12, 2021
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Pelosi Spokesperson Robyn Patterson issued this statement following former President Trump’s threat against a member of the U.S. Capitol Police:
“The former President’s threat against a U.S. Capitol Police officer is only the latest in a long line of vile Republican attacks on the officers who risked their lives to protect the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. In recent weeks, Republicans have slandered these officers as ‘executioners’ and ‘murderers’ and insulted their intelligence and integrity on national television,” Patterson said. “Officers present that day who have called out the partisan efforts to downplay a violent insurrection have been subjected to death threats and racist abuse. No member of House Republican leadership has bothered to condemn this harassment or speak out in support of these officers.”
“Enough is enough. These attacks are disgusting, wrong and a wholly unacceptable way to treat the men and women who went through hell to protect our democracy from armed insurrectionists,” Patterson continued. “It’s long overdue for Minority Leader McCarthy to get off of his hands and stand up to the members of his conference and party who have been terrorizing the brave officers that saved the lives of countless workers, staff, journalists and Members on January 6th. It is no less than these heroes deserve.”
wnctimes Marjorie Farrington