LITTLE ROCK— FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, June 14, 2021 Department of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office Eastern District

of Arkansas

"Operation Ceasefire" Results in Over 60 Arrests

Federal, State, and Local Partnership Makes Targeted Effort Against Gun Violence
Law enforcement authorities have announced the results of a targeted effort to curb violent crime in Little Rock. “Operation Ceasefire” took place each day last week and resulted in 61 arrests of some of Little Rock’s most wanted. These efforts are part of a series of law enforcement actions that combine federal, state, and local resources to reduce gun crime.

      Beginning on June 7 and continuing through the rest of last week, law enforcement identified the most violent targets in the Little Rock area, focusing on individuals who had active warrants for their arrests. The United States Marshals Service, Little Rock Police Department (LRPD), and the FBI’s Gang Enforcement Task Force—known as GETROCK—combined their resources to identify, locate, and arrest 61 wanted individuals in the Little Rock area.

      Those arrested were wanted for crimes including capital murder, rape, aggravated assault, battery, terroristic act, aggravated robbery, and various drug and other charges. Approximately 10 of these targets were arrested for federal indictments charging them with being a felon in possession of a firearm. The 61 people who were arrested have been charged with 78 total felonies and 27 total misdemeanors. During the arrests, authorities seized 12 firearms and $16,095 in cash associated with criminal activity.

      Statistics collected by LRPD indicate violent crime has increased 16% from 2020 to 2021. These arrests are part of a continued effort to combat violent crime in the Little Rock area and were conducted by the United States Marshals Service, the FBI GETROCK task force and their participating agencies: LRPD, Arkansas State Police, North Little Rock Police Department, Arkansas Department of Community Corrections, Pine Bluff Police Department, and Arkansas Air National Guard Counter Drug Unit.

      An indictment contains only allegations. Defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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