RALEIGH -- Aug 31, 2018 What: Convocation for the second year of the N.C. Field Ministry Program 

What: Convocation for the start of the second year of the N.C. Field Minister Program

When: Sept. 5, 2018

Time: 1 p.m.

Where: Nash Correctional Institution
2869 U.S. 64 Alt., Nashville, NC 27856

What: Fifty-two long-term prison inmates will begin college classes with a convocation event, launching the second year of the N.C. Field Minister Program. This is a partnership between the Department of Public Safety, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) and the nonprofit ministry Game Plan for Life.

The Field Minister program is a four-year, college-level educational program that allows inmates to earn a Bachelor of Arts in pastoral ministry degree, with a secondary emphasis in counseling and psychology. This degree is the same accredited program offered by Southeastern College at Wake Forest, the undergraduate school of SEBTS. The classes are taught by SCWF instructors who travel to Nash Correctional Institution and teach on-site. After earning their degree, inmates will assume jobs as field ministers within the state prison system, supporting the existing staff of chaplains, and providing ministerial and counseling services to fellow inmates.

Program funding is coordinated by Game Plan for Life, a nonprofit organization started by Joe Gibbs, the former Washington Redskins’ head coach and owner of Joe Gibbs Racing in Huntersville.

The convocation marks the beginning of classes for the semester. DPS Interim Deputy Secretary Judge Reuben Young, Southeastern Seminary President Daniel Akin and Gibbs will be among the convocation speakers.

If your media outlet is planning to attend, please send the names of those attending no later than noon on Tuesday, Sept. 4 to DPS Communications Officer Jerry Higgins at jerry.higgins@ncdps.gov. News media must bring a company photo ID and be prepared for security screening upon entering the prison facility.

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