MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The daughter of a state senator was married in the Wisconsin Capitol over the weekend, even though

requests for other ceremonies have been denied because the building is closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The small wedding for the daughter of Republican Sen. Howard Marklein, of Spring Green, appears to be the first private event unrelated to state business approved since the Department of Administration closed the Capitol in March.

The ceremony was approved by the Senate Sergeant at Arms office, but it comes at a time when public health officials are discouraging indoor gatherings of any size outside the home.

Sergeant at Arms Ted Blazel says there have been a-half dozen requests for wedding ceremonies at the Capitol since March, but only Marklein’s was approved because it involved 12 people, the State Journal reported. Blazel said the other requests ranged from about 30 to as many as 130 people.

“It’s not unique in that there have been multiple requests,” Blazel said. “It ends up being unique in that it’s the only one that’s taken place, and I will tell you it’s all solely based upon numbers.”

Legislative meetings and activities at the Capitol have been limited since the pandemic began, and the building has opened to the public occasionally for public hearings or sessions. However, the state administrators have denied all public requests for use of the building.

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