RALEIGH -- North Carolina State Highway Patrol announced that it is working together again with the IACP in the Drive to Save Lives Campaign on the North Carolina Department of Public Safety website.




Aug 1, 2018

The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is proud to announce it will once again join a collaborative effort to reduce collisions along the I-95 corridor. Through support from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and states along the eastern portion of the U.S., the Drive to Save Lives Campaign is intended to increase visibility of law enforcement over a period of two days.

The goal of the initiative was to change the high-risk behaviors of motorists in order to decrease the number of crashes through education and awareness, partnerships, and high-visibility traffic enforcement. The Vision-Zero approach has been adopted by every state in hopes of reporting zero fatalities along the nation’s roadways.

In 2014, the IACP initiated an effort to significantly reduce more than 30,000 highway deaths, which occurs annually across the nation. The state police and highway patrol leaders from the IACP Division of State and Provincial Police have led a sustained data-driven effort since 2014. It focused on and targeted distracted and impaired driving, speeding, the use of seatbelts and other unsafe driving behaviors.

The campaign will begin on Friday, August 3 and conclude Saturday, August 4. Troopers from every state along I-95 will be out in full force, in hopes of reducing the number of fatal collisions to zero.


This press release is related to:
State Highway Patrol


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