WASHINGTON, N.C. (AP) — The mayor of the eastern North Carolina city of Washington has died from complications of the coronavirus.

    The Raleigh News & Observer reports that the city announced his death on Wednesday night.

    Mac Hodges had been mayor since 2013 and was described as a โ€œlegend and a leader.โ€ He had tested positive for COVID-19 in July.

    City officials said in a statement that โ€œwe are heartbroken. But the statement also said that they are โ€œthankful for his amazing leadership, vision and most importantly the friendship he provided, always with a smile, to everyone he met and had an encounter with.โ€

     Gov. Roy Cooper tweeted his condolences. He said heโ€™s โ€œgrateful to have worked with such a strong leader and ECU supporter who made a real difference in the lives of many.โ€

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