Buncombe County Government -- April 30, 2020: Help do your part to slow the spread of COVID-19 with Buncombe County’s new COVID-19 Self-Checker. This automated system provides two valuable community assets:

Clear guidance for anyone feeling symptomatic and data that will help Buncombe County determine when it’s safe to begin the first phases of reopening.

“If you’re experiencing COVID like symptoms, or are concerned about a possible exposure, Self-Checker is the most convenient way for you to get guidance on what your next steps need to be and can connect you to individual level follow-up from healthcare professionals,” explains Public Health Emergency Preparedness Director Fletcher Tove. “The information we compile with this tool will also assist Public Health in anticipating surges on our healthcare systems and help coordinate our testing and contact tracing efforts as we work to reopen our community.”

Buncombe Ready COVID-19 Self-Checker is a quick, confidential, easy-to-use assessment tool you can use online or by phone to help determine if you have COVID-19 and how you can proceed to get medical care. This helps public health experts better understand how the virus is spreading in Buncombe County and allows medical experts and local leaders make the best possible, data-driven decisions to protect everyone.

How Self-Checker* works:

Head to buncombecounty.org/covid-19, and click on the Buncombe Ready COVID-19 Self-Checker banner.
Share information about your health, any symptoms you are having, and your health history.
If your results indicate you need testing, we will connect you with testing and other support to keep you as safe as possible. If you are symptomatic, we will continue to follow up with you every day for 7-10 days after completing the Self-Checker.
You can also use Self-Checker by calling the Ready Team at (828) 419-0095, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
“The goal of the Self-Checker is to connect those in need to COVID-19 testing, offer additional support, follow up to ensure people are healthy and safe, and gather information about the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” notes Buncombe County Public Health Director Dr. Jennifer Mullendore. Public Health urges anyone with questions about whether they have COVID-19 to use Self-Checker. “This also allows us to conserve healthcare resources, protective equipment, and supplies while keeping people at home and away from others if they potentially have COVID-19,” says Dr. Mullendore.

The information collected from Self-Checker will give public health officials daily and weekly reports that will be key to customizing how we respond locally. It will also provide crucial data to government officials as they continue to inform the public about the next steps for reopening Buncombe County.

The Self-Checker is a partnership between Buncombe County and North Carolina State University. Additionally, partners in our community have helped to develop and test the Buncombe Ready COVID-19 Self-Checker and their efforts ensure language accessibility and ease of use. The Self-Checker is available online in Spanish and Russian and can be taken over the phone in multiple languages via 211.

*Buncombe County COVID-19 Self-Checker is not a comprehensive medical assessment. If you are experiencing severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pains or pressure, blue lips, or confusion, call 911. You must be 18 or older to use the Self-Checker. 

(spanish version)


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