INDIAN TRAIL, N.C. (AP) — A miniature donkey named Mambo is getting some online love in North Carolina, where a farm is getting in on the idea of having animals spice up tedious virtual meetings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Peace N Peas Farm will rent Mambo, the 8-year-old miniature donkey, and his friends to crash company conference calls, The Charlotte Observer reported. This camera crowding donkey is “like a pesky little brother” that “doesn’t let anyone relax too long,” Francie Dunlap, Mambo’s owner, said.

Companies can choose other farm animals they want to invite as guests on their video calls. According to the farm animal’s meeting registration website, they include three horses, Heiren, Zeus and Eddie, along with some chickens and ducks.

“I think it would get some laughs,” Dunlap said. Customers can reserve 10 minutes with the animals for $50, and Dunlap said co-workers can also choose a virtual meeting name for the farm animal.

Since she created the website on Saturday, Dunlap said she has also gotten requests from teachers who want the animals to crash their virtual classrooms.

  (Photo Peace N Peas Farm via AP)

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