Buncombe County --  Latest Coronavirus Updates on Confirmed Cases

March 24, 2020 Key Takeaways

Updated case count at 2:30 p.m., 12 Buncombe County residents test positive.
4 cases in visitors to the County.
Confirmed evidence of community spread. Now is the time to stay home.
Public Health continues to investigate models from around the globe and will move forward to add an additional supplement declaration with a Stay Home, Stay Safe Mandate to reduce opportunity for close contact during these next few weeks. Further information will be available Wednesday, March 25.
Telemedicine options are available at missionhealth.org
Innovation and dynamic responses are also happening in our community, such as virtual town hall and special hours at some grocery stores for vulnerable populations.
Further guidance for restaurants providing takeout will be posted by 5 p.m.
Watch the daily briefings from Buncombe County Public Health on the Coronavirus and preparedness efforts in Buncombe County.

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