On April 30, 2019, Riley Howell was in class at UNC Charlotte. Seven minutes in, shots rang out and in a split-second decision, Riley chose to fight. He would not live to know that his actions saved others.

Riley Howell graduated from Roberson. He lost his life April 30 when a gunman entered a classroom at UNC-Charlotte. Police credit Riley’s heroic efforts in trying to stop the assailant with saving other lives, while sacrificing his own.

Riley’s family and girlfriend have formed the Riley Howell Foundation to help victims of gun violence, and their families.

If you’d like to help with the Rams For Riley project or make a donation, contact Deputy Wesley Anders at 828-417-1736, or email wesley.anders@buncombecounty.org.

Riley Howell Foundation:

Who We Are
Courage. Sacrifice. Honor.

On April 30, 2019, Riley Howell was in class at UNC Charlotte. Seven minutes in, shots rang out and in a split-second decision, Riley chose to fight. He would not live to know that his actions saved others.

Riley died as he lived - selflessly, bravely and in service to others. In memory of his courageous act and to honor a remarkable young man, The Riley Howell Foundation Trust will support and advocate for families affected by violence.

The Riley Howell Foundation benefits organizations that support victims of gun violence.
We are curating our list of initial recipient organizations and will announce those recipients in July 2019.

Visit Riley Howell Foundation 

As we work to build the Riley Howell Foundation, we will send out periodic communications. To stay updated, sign up below.


For media inquiries, please contact Brandon at Bright Planning:

(828) 544-0797







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