WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) โ€” A slavery-themed game played at a North Carolina elementary school during Black History Month has prompted an investigation.

    News outlets report the New Hanover County Board of Education released a statement Monday saying that using a game to teach about slavery was inappropriate. A fourth-grade teacher had students at Codington Elementary play a role-playing game called โ€œEscaping Slavery,โ€ revolving around the Underground Railroad.

    According to WECT-TV , the game included a โ€œFreedom Punch Cardโ€ that would send teams that had accrued too many penalties โ€œback to the plantation to work as a slave.โ€

    The statement says the board understands the lessonโ€™s purpose and teachers didnโ€™t intend to โ€œdownplay or trivialize slavery.โ€ Schools spokeswoman Valita Quattlebaum says no personnel have been penalized.

    Nonetheless, the board has requested a report from the superintendent.

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