Haywood County Government Declares State of Emergency
Haywood County -- The Haywood County Government Declared a State of Emergency: The following Proclamation is issued by the Chairman of the Haywood County Board of Commissioners. Below is a copy of the declaration, followed by updated information this morning.
WHEREAS, information from the National Weather Service and other sources have predicted critical
weather and fire conditions in western North Carolina are likely to cause an impact to the region such that a Red
Flag warning has been issued for our area on March 26, 2025; and
WHEREAS, said weather system has been forecasted to produce critical fire conditions, with high winds,
low humidity, and dry vegetation, creating a significant risk of wildfire spread; and
WHEREAS, weather conditions associated with wildfire constitute an imminent threat of injury and/or loss
of life and/or property; and
WHEREAS, Governor Josh Stein issued a State of Emergency for portions of Western North Carolina,
including Haywood County, on March 26, 2025; and
WHEREAS, the Rattlesnake Branch Fire is actively burning in the Cruso community of Haywood County
on both private and federal properties.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority contained in Article IA of N.C.G.S. § Chapter 166A,
Article 36A of N.C.G.S. § Chapter 14, and Chapter 31 of the Haywood County Code of Ordinances, I,
Chairman L. Kevin Ensley of the Haywood County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim that a State of
Emergency exists within Haywood County.
I further proclaim that the directions set forth below, which are authorized by Chapter 31 of the Haywood County
Code of Ordinances, are necessary in order to maintain an acceptable level of public order, services, and protection
of lives, safety and property during this emergency, and that the same shall be in effect within Haywood County
until this Proclamation expires or is rescinded by the Haywood County Board of Commissioners.
I hereby order all county employees and all other emergency management personnel subject to the authority granted
to me as the Chairman of the Haywood County Board of Commissioners to cooperate in the enforcement and
implementation of the emergency ordinances set forth below.
A. Access to Restricted Areas. (Chapter 31 §31.07)
I. The Director of Emergency Management and any staff may restrict or deny access to any area,
location, or street where such a restriction is necessary in order to help overcome this emergency
or to prevent the emergency from worsening. These restrictions on access shall be indicated by
means of barricades, posted notices, and/or orders to anyone in the area.
II. No person shall obtain access or attempt to obtain access to any area, location, or street to which
Emergency Management has restricted access according to the above directive.
B. Sheltering, (chapter 31 31.05)
Emergency sheltering shall be activated if deemed necessary by Emergency Management.
C. Evacuations (Chapter 31 §31.08)
Evacuation orders shall be issued by Emergency Management if determined necessary to
preserve life.
D. Debris Removal and Infrastructure. (Chapter 31 §31.05)
County employees shall cooperate with NC DOT and other debris removal/infrastructure entities
to ensure the safe and efficient restoration of essential services, such as, but not limited to power,
water, roadway access and medical supplies as needed.
I further proclaim that the Emergency Management Plan adopted by Haywood County, and all applicable mutual
assistance compacts and agreements are in effect and shall remain in effect until this proclamation expires or is
rescinded by the Haywood County Board of Commissioners. All Emergency Management personnel are hereby
ordered to cooperate in the implementation of the provisions of the Haywood County's Emergency Operations Plan
and all applicable mutual assistance compacts and agreements, and to furnish assistance thereunder.
I direct that copies of this Proclamation be disseminated to municipalities and mass communications media for
publication and broadcast, and that a copy of this Proclamation be posted in the County Manager's Office, on the
Haywood County website and other public buildings as appropriate.
This Proclamation shall be effective as of 8 p.m. on March 26, 2025 and shall remain in effect unless rescinded
pursuant to Chapter 31 of the Haywood County Code of Ordinances.
As of 9 a.m. this morning, the Rattlesnake Branch Fire in Cruso has grown to between 400 and 500 acres and is moving west into the Shining Rock Wilderness Area.
Firefighters and equipment are on the scene working to reduce fire risk. A helicopter will fly over the area today to assess the fire, and firefighters will set controlled burns in certain areas to help protect homes and structures. The fire is at 0% containment. These controlled burns help reduce the fire’s intensity by removing extra fuel. People in Cruso and Bethel will see smoke from these operations.
Winds today will stay below 10 mph but are expected to increase tomorrow.
A burn ban is in effect across North Carolina.
Please avoid the area to allow emergency crews to work safely.
Image: WNCTimes