McDowell County -- McDowell County Sheriff's announced the arrest of  29-year-old Brandon Boyd Derreberry of Marion He is charged with

felony Breaking or Entering a Motor Vehicle (2 counts), and felony Possession of a Controlled Substance on Jail Premises. He was given a secured bond of $42,000.

On January 31, Deputy Biddix responded to a call from an employee at a local automotive business about a breaking-and-entering incident involving a customer’s vehicle on the property. The customer reported that their Nissan Frontier had damage to a passenger door. 

Camera footage confirmed that Derreberry and another suspect (not yet identified) had broken into the Nissan and two additional vehicles on January 30, just after midnight.

On Wednesday, February 5, Derreberry was arrested by Deputy Gage Honeycutt in an unrelated incident for trespassing. At this time, he was served the outstanding warrant for the breaking-and-entering offense. 
While being processed at the McDowell County Detention Center, Derreberry was found to be in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Additional charges were filed.

The Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in identifying the second individual in the picture below. Anyone who has information is asked to call Deputy Bradley Biddix at (828) 652-2235.

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