Waynesville --  The Waynesville Police Department announced the retirement of K9 K9 Kiezer on February 4, 2025, on social media.

A copy of the post can be read below:

After 9 years of service to the Town of Waynesville and a loyal partner to Sgt. Matthew Cogburn, K9 Kiezer was recognized as he retires. The following was read by Lt. Billy Benhart last week at the Town of Waynesville Board Meeting. We thank K9 Kiezer for the loyal service and support he provided to the Waynesville Police Department.
"First off, I would like to thank the board and the town for allowing us the time to present this wonderful retirement for K9 Kiezer. We are all here to honor K9 Kiezer and the asset he was to the Waynesville Police Department. Kiezer was first selected in 2015 where he was paired with Sgt. Cogburn. They achieved their first certification in March 2015 in Aiken S.C.
It was a privilege to watch Sgt. Cogburn and Kiezer grow as a team. We were all mesmerized by Keizer’s ability to track. I remember we were at Hazelwood Elementary doing training and I watched Kiezer tracking so hard that he pulled out of his tracking harness and never let up, the look on Sgt. Cogburn’s face was priceless as his dog continued to keep his nose on the ground and get the reward at the end of the track. It is dedication like this that Sgt. Cogburn put into his partner that made Kiezer an asset to the department.
I want to take the time to highlight a couple of things that Kiezer and Sgt. Cogburn did this during their time together. On Keizer’s first actual track, he was dispatched to an autistic child who was leaving the home. Now if you have ever watched a dog track you know how difficult it can be, so I want you to try and place this in your mind as I explain it.
This was in April of 2015 and the weather was still in that stage of cold at night and warm in the afternoon. Sgt. Cogburn got the information from the guardians of the child and the description. The child was 13 years old and in shorts and a T-shirt with no shoes on. The track went from Explorer Dr. to Red Oak Ln. Off Hendrix St. and ended up over near Piney Mtn Rd. If you are not familiar with that area it is a heavily wooded area that consists of briars and laurel thickets. The track was well over a mile long and there were search and rescue parties all over the woods looking for the special needs child. Kiezer and Sgt. Cogburn traversed the rough terrain, and the child was located 40 yards away from Kiezer and Sgt Cogburn by a search and rescue worker. If it wasn’t for Sgt. Cogburn and Kiezer updating the direction they were going the child would not have been located over a mile from his house and might not have survived the night with the temperatures.
The second highlight I would like to give you was a purse snatching that occurred on Hazelwood Ave. Sgt. Cogburn and Kiezer were on patrol when the call came in. Sgt. Cogburn arrived on the scene with K9 Kiezer. They were able to get on the track very quickly and tracked down the railroad tracks to Scates St. Now let me remind you of the terrain that this is consistent with. Hazelwood Ave. is paved, and the railroad tracks are gravel and wood. Neither of these places held scent for very long but Kiezer was able to smell it, and Sgt. Cogburn was able to read Kiezer and follow it. The track then turned into a residence off Scates St. and Kiezer stopped at the door. Inside the residence, the subject was arrested for robbery! What an outstanding job done by both Kiezer and Sgt. Cogburn.
During their 9 years together, Kiezer was deployed 569 times locating drugs 263 of those times. Some of these stops were conducted by Sgt. Cogburn and other times were conducted by officers even outside of Waynesville. Sgt. Cogburn utilized Kiezer 29 times for tracking suspects. I only highlighted 2 examples of Kiezer’s outstanding tracking ability.
If I could explain in words what our K9 partners mean to us there would not be enough time in this meeting to do so. I along with other staff would like to thank Kiezer and Sgt. Cogburn for their dedication and time. Kiezer buddy I hope you have an amazing retirement!"
-Lt. Billy Benhart-
WNCTimes also wants to thank K9 Kiezer and wish him a Very Happy Retirement!
Photo: Waynesville Police Department
Image Cover: WNCTimes

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