WNC -- North Carolina of Natural & Cultural Resources Dept posted the following on sociaI media: I spent most of last week in Westernย North

Carolina, where DNCR has 18 sites, each affected by the flooding from Hurricane Helene.

From Marshall to Asheville, and from Old Fort to Chimney Rock, the damage is heartbreaking, and the needs are real. Itโ€™s going to take all of usโ€”federal, state, and local governments, along with businesses, nonprofits, and individual volunteersโ€”to rebuild. I shared with everyone I met the commitment to Western NC from Governor Stein and his cabinet.

DNCR is working to reopen our closed locations as soon as possible and bring back the visitors who are so important to the economy. I was pleased to meet with legislators who share that commitment. What stuck with me more than anything was the resilience and grit of our fellow North Carolinians. Weโ€™re with you!


Image: WNCTimes

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