Asheville -- January 2, 2025: Asheville Parks & Recreation: As temperatures drop and Ashevillians settle in for post-holiday relaxation,

the Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) team has a fun challenge to keep the city moving,

creating, and connecting during the first month of 2025. Community members can pick up or print a PARKS activity card, complete activities throughout the month, and redeem cards for fabulous prizes in February.

“At the start of the year, many people resolve to focus on self-improvement, change an aspect of their behavior, or accomplish a personal goal,” according to D. Tyrell McGirt, APR Director. “The APR team has plenty of programs and activities to help with these resolutions, but we know many of our neighbors continue to experience major disruptions following unprecedented destruction from Helene. As we rebound and recover together, we thought it would be helpful to suggest achievable, time-bound recreation options with incentives. Everyone is invited to participate!”

How to Play

Print a PARKS activity card or pick one up at any APR community center.Adult: English | español
Teen: English | español

Cross off squares as you complete activities.

Return your completed card for prizes in February. Prizes build, so you receive all prizes from previous levels. For example, receive a wristband, phone pouch, and tote bag if you complete 11 activities.1-5 spaces: silicon wristband

6-10 spaces: waterproof phone pouch

11-15 spaces: tote bag

16-20 spaces: tumbler

21-25 spaces: trucker hat

Tips from the APR Pros

Register for an APR Program: For an easy way to find events and activities, visit for the January-May APR Program Guide.

Visit Your Favorite Park: Check out the online listing of APR’s parks, greenways, playgrounds, and unique spaces.  Some locations are currently closed with a list available at

Get a Free Membership Key Fob: Stop by an APR Community Center for your free fob and easily scan each time you visit to use gyms or take classes. Mark the square if you already have one!
Play in an APR Community Center Gym or a Park Sports Court: Filter locations by features including courts for basketball, pickleball, tennis, and volleyball. Centers also host community gym times throughout the week.
Sign Up for APR’s Monthly Newsletter: Click here to enter your email, and never be bored again!
Volunteer on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service: Sign up for Burton Street's Event or another organization’s event. If you can’t volunteer on January 20, choose another day during the month.
Travel One Mile on a Greenway or Trail: Check out APR’s greenways, paved paths, natural trails, or the Asheville Urban Trail. Some locations are currently closed with a list available at 
Introduce Yourself to a New Person: Connect with neighbors and new friends with sports leagues, fitness and active living offerings, game and hobby clubs, arts and culture programs, out-of-school time activities, outdoor recreation, special events, and more at
Follow APR on Facebook or Instagram: Stay in the know about upcoming events, location reopenings, and other opportunities.
Thank an APR Team Member: As community members themselves, the APR team has spent the past few months distributing water and other essential resources, securing unsafe areas, and planning Asheville’s road to recovery in addition to regular job duties. When you see someone go above and beyond, let them know you appreciate their work.
Email or call (828) 259-5800.

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