Waynesville -- December 2024: Waynesville Parks & Recreation: We are excited to announce two upcoming programs

to help families during the holiday season! 

We also will be providing extended daycare hours that do NOT require parents or guardians to remain at the facility during the daycare hours (8 AM - 12 PM).

The ’Tis the Season Half-Day Holiday Camp will be held on Monday, December 23rd, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This camp is for children in Pre-K through 8th grade, with a maximum capacity of 30 children. The cost is just $5 per child, and no drop-ins will be allowed. Registration opens on Monday, December 9th.

The New Year’s Kick-Off Camp is scheduled for January 2nd and 3rd, running from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The cost is $20 per child, with an additional $10 fee for each additional child. 

This camp will have a maximum capacity of 40 children, and no drop-ins will be accepted. Registration for this program also begins on Monday, December 9th.

Please note that there will be NO Afterschool Program on Friday, December 20th due to limited staffing. We will, however, provide Extended Day Childcare on December 20, 23, 27, 30, 31 (2024), and January 2 and 3 (2025).
All registrations will take place at the front desk.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your holiday season! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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