Transylvania County -- Transylvania County Sheriff's Office: REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM SEMINAR SATURDAY,

SEPTEMBER 28, 2024—8:30 AM-1 PM

We never think a crime will happen to us, until it actually does! It is so important to be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for personal safety and crime prevention when things occur unexpectedly. We all need a personal safety strategy in place, knowing the techniques and tactics we can use to avoid becoming a potential victim and can help us to live safer and smarter.

Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar covers

*The Psychology of Criminal Predators-understanding what makes a criminal a predator;
* Physical Security-don’t ignore your instincts-if something feels wrong, it probably is;
*Home Security-protect your home inside and outside against burglars;
*Out-of-Town Security- making sure you are safe, no matter where you go;
*Automobile Security-equip yourself with the necessities for any type of situation;
*Technological Security-Technological advances have made individuals more vulnerable;
*Personal Protection-Using self-defense methods such as an umbrella, flashlight, etc.


This class is not about guns or weapons of destruction, it is about being aware of your personal space and being able to protect yourself and those you love in a safe manner.

Refuse To Be a Victim Seminar is taught by Melissa McCall-Owen, NRA certified instructor. She
is well-trained and educated in many different areas, such as PhD in health/fitness, personal trainer, self-defense, boxing/kickboxing/urban kick/strong nation. Owen is the owner of Absolute Health, Fitness and Safety Clinic. “Before having the knowledge and skills for personal safety, I was a victim of several crimes which could have been prevented had I been made aware of the information from a class like this one. Come and develop your plan for safety. I would never want you to experience the trauma of a dangerous situation,” says Melissa.

You must register by calling Sheriff’s Office @ 884-3168 ext. 2212 or ask for Donna Robinson; call Donna Robinson @ 553-0440,; or call Melissa McCall-Owen @ 577-3724, email Seats are LIMITED, so call now and reserve your seat for Saturday, September 28, 2024. This class usually costs $55.00, but is being offered to you FREE; the seminar is being sponsored by the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Owenby said, “The more opportunities to partner with groups or individuals to discuss strategies on how someone can help prevent themselves from becoming a victim the better off we all are. Knowledge is power; skill is safety. So, discussing those strategies and techniques really does empower each and every participant to do their part in lowering our overall crime rate.”

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