Jackson County -- August 7, 2024: Sheriff Farmer of Jackson County hopes this school year gets off to a great start!

To help our county’s students stay safe this year, Sheriff Farmer offers some practical safety tips that parents can share with their kids before they head back to school.

“I hope that our students have enjoyed their summer vacation, but it is now time to hit the books once again for the school year,” said Sheriff Farmer. “In order to make sure that both students and parents enjoy their time this year, please go over these safety reminders with your kids. Teaching our children about potential dangers they may face will help them avoid these situations should they come across them.”

Sheriff Farmer also suggests that parents check the location sharing settings on their children’s electronic devices before sending them off to school to make sure that their location is not being shared with any unwanted applications. “This is also a great time to remind students of the dangers of sharing personal information on social media. It is important to teach young people that sharing certain information, especially their location, may put them and their classmates at risk,” Sheriff Farmer commented.

Sheriff Farmer hopes that kids and parents can use the following safety tips to help make Jackson County safer for everyone:

•Do not talk to strangers! A stranger is anyone that you or your parents do not know well. If a stranger has approached you, tell a trusted adult about what happened.
• When walking to and from school, always stay with a friend. Two minds are better than one, especially if there is an emergency.
• If you think you are in danger, yell for help and run to the nearest business, school, crossing guard, or law enforcement officer.
• Try establishing a family “code word.” If a stranger claims to know your family but does not know the code word, do not go with them.
• Strangers may use a variety of tricky tactics to get you to come with them, such as:
o Asking to show you something,
o Asking for you to help them find a missing pet or person, or
o Telling you that a family member is hurt and offering to take you to them.
If you do not know the person, absolutely do not go with them!
• Never take things like candy or medicine from a stranger. It could contain a dangerous substance that can harm you.
• Don’t wear headphones or earbuds while walking so you can hear your surroundings and know if someone is approaching you.

Taking the time, the educate children about these situations can help ensure their safety throughout the school year and into the future!
Sheriff Farmer wishes all of Jackson County’s students a safe and successful school year.
For Additional Information Contact:
Sheriff Doug Farmer
email: dafarmer@jacksonnc.org

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