Southwestern Community College News Good news from our Partners at Southwestern Community College NC. Free tuition opportunity for eligible residents. 

North Carolina residents from households making $80,000 or less may qualify  southwesternnc.ed

for a new scholarship opportunity that covers all tuition and fees at Southwestern Community College starting this fall.

The Next NC Scholarship is a financial aid program that helps qualified individuals by providing $3,000 – enough to cover all tuition and fees for a full year at SCC with enough left over to assist with books, food or housing.

To become eligible, current and prospective students need only fill out the FAFSA form. 

“One of the best things about this is students won’t have to repay any of the money they receive,” said Dr. Mark Ellison, Dean of Students at Southwestern. “It’s also nice that students aren’t required to complete any additional paperwork other than the FAFSA, which is something they’re required to fill out anyway. Upon filling out the FAFSA, if students are eligible, they will receive the Next NC Scholarship.”

Anyone interested in taking advantage of this opportunity can fill out the FAFSA at

To learn more about the Next NC Scholarship, visit

And to learn more about Southwestern and the career fields it offers, visit   call 828.339.4000 or drop by your nearest SCC location.

 Image Credit: WNCTimes

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