Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is announcing its first Adult Field Day. The event will take place

on June 27 from 6-9 p.m. at Buncombe County Sports Park in fields 1 and 2. The Adult Field Day will feature various beginner-friendly sports workshops from ABASA (Asheville Buncombe Adult Soccer Association), WNC Disc Golf Association, Asheville Lacrosse Club, and Parks & Recreation. 

ABASA will be teaching workshops on the basics of soccer, including soccer terminology, field positions, dribbling, shielding, passing, shooting, receiving the ball through simple drills, and games that are both fun and challenging. WNC Disc Golf Association will be teaching the fundamentals of Disc Golf, including disc grip techniques, throwing form, and putting. Asheville Lacrosse Club will show participants the basics of lacrosse and will be hosting speed lacrosse games. In addition to the various sports workshops, Buncombe County Parks & Recreation will host a series of dodgeball games throughout the span of the event. With these workshops, guests will have the opportunity to become familiar with new recreational activities, and make connections. 

Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. Participants are encouraged to bring sunscreen, comfortable clothing with close-toed shoes, water, and snacks. Sports gear will be provided. 

For additional information, email mac.stanley@buncombecounty.org. 

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