Truck City AVL is on the road again in 2024! FREE | Saturday | April 13 | 1 - 4pm Quiet Hour is from 1-2 pm

Tanger Asheville

Asheville Parks & Recreation invites mountain families to an up-close look at big trucks, small trucks, transit buses, construction vehicles, and more when Truck City AVL returns to Tanger Outlets, Asheville! Kids and adults can explore, touch, and ask questions about their favorite trucks and cars in one place at this FREE community event.

From rescue vehicles and public works equipment to utility tractors and construction machines, it's an excellent opportunity to ‘pull back the curtain’ and learn about the equipment and skills required to maintain our city, parks, and public safety systems. With more than 30 vehicles, plan plenty of time to explore trucks of all shapes and sizes.
1-2 pm is a planned quiet hour to provide a positive experience for those with autism, dementia, PTSD, hyposensitivity, and other sensory considerations.

In addition to the trucks and vehicles, Asheville Parks & Recreation’s Rec ‘n’ Roll game and play zone, a race course, and other hands-on activities are available.

Adult supervision is required. Truck City AVL takes place rain or shine.

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