Haywood County -- Haywood County Government Community News The Haywood County Board of Commissioners

April Regular Morning Meeting was held on Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 9:00 AM..

1. Public Hearing:

A public hearing was held to discuss an economic development agreement between Haywood County and Premier Magnesia for the expansion of the Haywood County facility. Due to the closure of the Pactiv Evergreen mill last year, rail service to Premier Magnesia has been reduced. To counteract this, Premier Magnesia is investing in an expansion of their rail car off-loading and storage capabilities at the Commerce Street facility in Waynesville. The County received a $4 million economic development grant from the N.C. General Assembly to aid in the recovery from the Pactiv Evergreen mill closure. $1.4 million of that will be dedicated to this project.

2. Administrative/Agency Reports/Presentations:

-The Haywood County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) gave their yearly report to the board.
-Groups like the Historical and Genealogical Society and others are teaming up with the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources to bring America 250 NC to our area to celebrate 250 years since the Declaration of Independence. It's a chance to showcase North Carolina's role in U.S. history. There's a resolution to create the committee on the agenda for approval.

3. Consent Agenda (passed):

-Approval of the March 18, 2024, regular meeting minutes.
-Approval of a resolution recognizing and approving the Haywood County Official America 250 NC Committee.
-Approval of a resolution to authorize giving away 2 Keystone Springdale Trailers: one to the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church and one to the United Way.
-Approval to adopt a Continuing Disclosure Policy for public debt issuance. We also request authorization for the Finance Director to review and update the policy as necessary whenever debt is issued.
-Approval of a budget amendment of $24,558 for Social Services. This is to accept and allocate funds from NCDHHS - Division of Social Services. These funds will help county social services departments handle placement needs for children in custody and prevent them from staying in a DSS office.
-Approval of a budget amendment of $5,892 for Social Services. This is to accept and allocate funds from NCDHHS - Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) for administering Child Care Subsidy in Haywood County.
-Approval for a budget amendment of $50,000 for Public Health. This is to accept and allocate funds from the NC Division of Public Health - Local and Community Support Branch for Agreement Addendum 121 ARPA Public Health Services. These funds will support a safe sleep initiative and the purchase of durable medical equipment.
-Approval for a budget amendment of $319,485 for Public Safety. This is to accept and allocate the Fiscal Year 2024 distribution of LATCF funds. These funds will be used to replace EMS Radios and other public safety equipment.

4. Regular Agenda

-Approval to accept Memorandum of Agreement 4588-010 between Haywood County and North Carolina Department of Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management for the Hazard Mitigation Property Acquisition project. We also request permission to allocate funds of $26,500 annually for two years to cover the County's administrative duties. Additionally, we seek approval for the County Manager to handle all paperwork related to this Agreement. (passed)
-Approval to award a contract worth $315,000 to Atlantic Emergency Solutions for the purchase of 2 Type II FR conversion van ambulances on Ram Promaster 3500 chassis. Additionally, we request authorization for the County Manager to handle all associated paperwork. (passed)
-Approval for a budget amendment of $271,117 for Public Safety. This is to accept and allocate the remaining LATCF funds from Fiscal Year 2023. These funds will be used for constructing the EMS base on Russ Avenue. Additionally, we seek approval for the County Manager to sign any necessary related documents. (passed)
-Approval for a budget amendment of $16,707 for Social Services. This is to acknowledge the actual revenue carried over from Fiscal Year 23 to Fiscal Year 24 and to adjust the expenses accordingly for the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP). (passed)

Presentations can be found on our website and as always, thank you for your continued support of Haywood County!


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