Franklin -- April 3, 2024: The Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce Community Enrichment Foundation

has made available applications for the Career and Technical Scholarship for Macon County students and residents. This scholarship was launched in 2019. To date fifteen FHS graduating students have been helped with scholarships totaling $12,000.

This scholarship was created for assisting students who are seeking to earn training/certification for trades such as construction trades, plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, welding, computer technology and programming, software development, culinary, CNA, and other health-related certifications, just to name a few. Students who receive training and certification in specific trades can enter the workforce sooner, build their confidence, and increase their initiative.

It is the desire of the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce Community Enrichment Foundation board to assist our youth in obtaining education and training that will enable them to enter the workforce with qualifications leading to better jobs and more income. In addition, to aid in building a workforce of qualified employees for the employers and businesses in our community. Employers can increase their productivity by hiring skilled employees while giving students the opportunity to remain in their own community.

Students who need assistance and do not qualify for scholastic or sports scholarships are strongly encouraged to apply for this scholarship. More education and specific trade skills will create a better quality of life for individuals and families by opening up opportunities for better careers and higher wages.

Applications are available through the Guidance Counselors at Franklin High School, Macon Early College, Nantahala School, and at the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce, 98 Hyatt Road, Franklin, NC.
For more information feel free to call Linda at 828-524-3161.
Application deadline is April 12.

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