Asheville: March 29, 2024: The City of Asheville Sanitation is pleased to announce an additional 340 additional bear carts

have been ordered and Ultimate Trash Locks have been approved for use. This marks a significant milestone in addressing economical bear-resistant solutions.

340 additional bear trash carts are on the way

The City of Asheville has purchased an additional 340 bear-resistant trash carts to be distributed this spring to residents who have been patiently waiting for this solution. The distribution will prioritize individuals on the waiting list based on their length of wait, ensuring that those who have been waiting the longest receive the carts first. Residents on the waiting list will be contacted by Sanitation staff over the next few months to confirm their address and ensure that they still want a bear cart. 

This initiative reflects the City’s commitment to addressing the needs of the community and providing timely solutions to wildlife management challenges. By expanding access to bear-resistant trash carts, the City aims to further enhance the safety and well-being of both residents and wildlife while promoting responsible waste management practices.

For more information or to join the waiting list visit the City’s website

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