Farmland Preservation Program Supports Agriculture
Buncombe County -- February 28, 2024: Buncombe County Community News: Interested in showing your support for agriculture with one of these signs?
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The Farmland Preservation Program encourages the voluntary preservation and protection of farmland from non-farm development in our rapidly developing County. One of the ways through which this is done is the Voluntary Ag District (VAD) and Enhanced Voluntary Ag District (EVAD) that you may be eligible to join!
Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD)
Voluntary Agricultural Districts (VADs) recognize the importance of agriculture to the well-being of North Carolina by encouraging voluntary preservation and protection of farmland from non-farm development. Tte Land is subject to a conservation agreement that prohibits non-farm use from development for 10 years. In the VAD program, the agreement can be revoked by the landowner at any time with a 30-day notice. To be eligible, farmland, forestland, and horticultural lands must meet the following requirements:
VAD Eligibility:
· Land must be part of PUV tax program, OR, be determined as having agricultural use.
· Land must be managed according to USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service guidelines with respect to highly erodible land.
VAD Benefits:
· Increased protection from nuisance suits
· Water and sewer assessments may be waiver/suspended.
· Signage to publicize land’s enrollment in program
Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District (EVAD)
The requirements to be a part of EVAD are the same as the VAD requirements, but the land is subject to conservation agreement that prohibits non-farm use for development for 10 years (this agreement cannot be revoked during the time of the agreement).
EVAD Eligibility:
· EVAD has the same eligibility requirements as VAD.
EVAD Benefits:
· Landowners are eligible to receive higher percentage of cost share under Ag-cost share program (as high as 90 percent)
If you are interested in joining some of these programs, please contact Avni Naik at 828-250-4792 or by email avni.naik@buncombecounty.org.