Asheville -- February 23, 2024: The City of Asheville has launched the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge.

This voluntary initiative invites Asheville residents to reduce their single-use plastic consumption by providing information, resources, and a little friendly competition. Participants who take the “Pass on Plastic Pledge” or play (and win!) “Less Plastic Bingo” can earn great prizes to assist them on their Less Plastic Asheville journey! 

The Less Plastic Asheville Challenge is in full swing! The challenge will continue until May 31st and is the final stage of the Single-Use Plastic Reduction Project, which began in December of 2022.

Happening Now

The City of Asheville is launching the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge to encourage residents to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. The campaign has two key features, a social media challenge called Less Plastic Bingo and a Pass on Plastic Pledge. The City will provide information on the impacts of single-use plastic on our community and tips for how our residents can understand and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics at tabling events around town and on our social media platforms. Those participating in the social media challenge can post photos and videos of themselves taking action to reduce single-use plastic consumption. 

Those who take the pledge will make commitments to sustainable lifestyle choices such as using reusable grocery bags and refusing single-use plastics. Residents who participate in either the Less Plastic Bingo Challenge or Pass on Plastic Pledge will win great prizes!  

Less Plastic Asheville Challenge

To reduce single-use plastic consumption and litter in our community it will take all of us! We invite you to join us, have a little fun, and earn some prizes in the process! 

There are two ways to participate in the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. You can take the Pass on Plastic Pledge and/or play Less Plastic Asheville Bingo. The pledge asks for you to commit to changes in your life to reduce your own plastic footprint, and the Bingo Challenge asks you to spread the word and help educate and inspire others about the issue through social media.

The Pass on Plastic Pledge

The Pass on Plastic Pledge asks you to look at your own habits regarding single-use plastics and commit to practices that cut down your consumption, simple acts that improve our community and the environment. By taking this pledge, you are taking the charge to reduce your own plastic consumption. You can do this in a number of ways and the City of Asheville is here to inspire, support, and cheer you on! 

When you commit to any one of the sustainable practices in the pledge, you will win plastic-reducing prizes from the City.  Your actions alone can reduce hundreds of pounds of plastic waste every year! By taking this pledge, you are showing that you care about the health, cleanliness, and pristine environment of our home in Asheville. It’s a big deal, and the City of Asheville thanks you. 

Less Plastic Asheville Bingo 

This bingo game is a social media challenge. It’s a fun way for you to help spread the word about single-use plastics, and to inspire the people around you to make changes and support sustainable businesses and habits. When you sign up, you will be emailed a bingo card. Once you have your card, follow the steps below in order to earn your swag. 

1. Take videos or pictures to create social media content that matches the descriptions on the bingo card. You can choose any five pieces of content that form a complete bingo row. Content that does not form a straight line bingo will not count.

2. Post this content on your own social media page (Facebook or Instagram Only) and include the hashtag #LessPlasticAsheville and tag @CityofAsheville.

3. Copy the links from all five of your posts and send them in a single email to After we check out your great posts we will send you an email with our appreciation letting you know how you can collect your prizes!

4. If you chose to take the Less Plastic Pledge as one of your bingo items (the center square) please include the email you used to take the pledge as one of your five email items. 

To sign up for the Less Plastic Bingo Challenge and receive your Less Plastic Bing Card click here

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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