WNC -- South Western Community College: Area residents looking for a new job or career path are in luck.

Southwestern Community College’s Career Services will be holding a pair of Job Fairs featuring area employers representing a wide variety of fields.

Both events will be held in the Burrell Building on SCC’s Jackson Campus in Sylva.

The first, a Healthcare Job Fair, is set for 1-4 p.m. on Feb. 22. It’s an opportunity to meet with area healthcare providers about their job openings, and representatives from Southwestern’s Health Sciences division will be available to talk about all 16 career fields in which the college offers training.

The following week, a general career fair featuring employers from all sectors will be held from 1-4 p.m. on Feb. 29. They’ll be looking to hire individuals to fill everything from professional full-time to part-time and seasonal positions as well as internships.

“These fairs offer more than hiring opportunities,” said Michael Despeaux, SCC’s Director of Career Services. “At a career fair, you can learn more about how college connects to careers, network in ways that help you in your own career, and make connections that pay off both now and down the road. The key word is ‘Career!’”

Both fairs are open to alumni and the public, including local high school students looking for part-time, seasonal or summer jobs.

Job-seekers are encouraged to dress professionally and bring a resume.

For more information about these events and SCC’s Career Services, contact Despeaux at 828.339.4212 or m_despeaux@southwesterncc.edu

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