RiverLink’s afterschool programs combine environmental education activities, such as macroinvertebrate sampling in local streams, with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

But what is social and emotional learning, and how does it fit into our afterschool programs?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process by which young people and adults develop healthy identities, manage emotions, achieve goals, demonstrate empathy, develop supportive relationships, and make responsible decisions. RiverLink's spring afterschool programming will focus on teaching students self-care skills, such as journaling, art or movement activities to help process difficult emotions. A typical day may begin with a breathing exercise, move outdoors for team building and practice of self-care skills, and end with students using sights, sounds, and sensations of walking in a creek to complete a mindfulness activity.

SEL and self-care activities can begin to address the need for mental health programming in schools, lead to decreased emotional distress, increase positive attitudes about the self and others, and build coping skills, resiliency, and emotional understanding.

If you have any questions about our environmental education initiatives you can contact our Education & Outreach Manager at:
education@riverlink.org | (828) 252-8474 x 112

You can find more information here

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