Buncombe County -- City of Asheville February 2024: Are you 50+ and ready to show what it means to age actively and artistically in Asheville? Register for local Senior Games and SilverArts events taking place throughout Buncombe County.

Winners advance to the state games with the opportunity to go all the way to the 2025 National Senior Games in Des Moines, Iowa.

Sports include bowling, croquet, golf, mini golf, track and field (including race walk and power walking), cycling, archery, swimming, billiards, badminton, cornhole, horseshoes, pickleball, basketball shooting, football toss, softball throw, shuffleboard, table tennis, and tennis.

SilverArts categories are classified as Heritage (quilting, woodwork, crochet, basket weaving, jewelry, needlework, tole/decorative painting, weaving, knitting, pottery, stained glass, woodcarving, woodworking, and woodturning), Visual (acrylics, drawing, mixed media, oil, pastels, film photography, digital photography, sculpture, and watercolor), Performing (comedy/drama, dance, vocal, instrumental, and line dance), Literary (poetry, short story, essay, and life experiences), and Cheerleading.

Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts use the tools of sports and arts to foster connections and wellness through a weeks-long festival with competitions in multiple categories at locations throughout Buncombe County. There is a $10 fee to participate and online registration is open February 8-March 1 at ncseniorgames.org.

Find out more and register here

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