Hendersonville -- We are having a conversation across Hendersonville about change, where we are, and where we want to be twenty years from now … and beyond.

The City of Hendersonville invites the community to participate in a final Gen H Open House to provide input in the development of a 2045 Comprehensive Plan to establish a long-term vision for sustainable growth and conservation. The Open House will take place on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, from 4-6 PM at the Henderson Public Library, 301 N Washington Street. Community members can drop in anytime to meet with City staff and the consultant team.

The Comprehensive Plan is called Gen H, to encourage the community to think generationally about the future of Hendersonville. This plan will build on the existing 2030 plan's foundation while updating and expanding the policy framework for the future. The Comprehensive Plan will serve as a regular reference guide for City staff, officials, and partner organizations as decisions are made for the community's future.

Open House attendees can expect to provide input on possible land use scenarios, see ideas for character areas that will describe how land uses translate into the character or the look and feel of places in the community, provide ideas for key focus areas within the City, and review the goals and vision for the Gen H plan. Materials and ideas that will be shared at the Open House have been developed from previous community conversations and community surveys that were open from August 14 through November 14, 2023. In all, just over 4,700 people participated in the surveys and provided over 10,500 individual comments. Further input received from the community at the upcoming Open House will help refine the draft Gen H Comprehensive Plan and recommendations for Hendersonville’s future. All ages are encouraged to attend and there will be an activity table for our younger residents.

Following the Open House, the consultant team with Bolton & Menk will compile the input and use their expertise to develop recommendations for the City. In the coming months, they will be refining the recommendations and presenting them to the City Council.

Content from the meeting and an opportunity to give feedback online will be posted on the Gen H project webpage following the Open House. Click here for ongoing updates.

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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