Haywood County -- Jan 2024: Two grants totaling $40,000 were given to Haywood Community College to fund the Lavender Fund, which helps students there who are struggling financially.

The Truist Charitable Fund and The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina are the kind donors.

The Truist Charitable Fund donated $20,000 for students. The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina’s Human Services grant program also donated $20,000.  CFWNC is a nonprofit serving eighteen counties in Western North Carolina, that encourages philanthropy and resources to improve life in Western North Carolina.

“Attaining a college degree plays a critical role in helping students secure a career path and attain long-term financial success,” said Aaron Slate, Asheville market president for Truist. “Our partnership with Haywood Community College will support students’ financial needs so that they can stay in school to pursue their dreams. It’s how we fulfill Truist’s purpose to inspire and build better lives and communities here in North Carolina.”

Haywood Community College: 

The Lavender Fund supports students’ financial needs related to rent, childcare, transportation, utilities, food, and other unforeseen expenses that could impact their ability to continue their learning. HCC believes that students should not be forced to pause their educational journey due to financial need and continues to develop ways to ensure funds are available for all students. The Lavender Fund is available to any HCC student who is in their second semester or beyond.

A recent recipient of the Lavender Fund shared with us “Thank you so much for this generous fund. This will help greatly for transportation to and from class.”


Image Credit: WNCTimes

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