The Henderson County Government shared the following tips to Avoid Respiratory Illnesses:

Emergency room visits for respiratory illnesses like RSV, COVID-19, and the flu, as well as hospital admissions, have been on the rise over the last few weeks.
As people spend more time indoors this winter, the Henderson County Department of Public Health has some tips to help you stay healthy:
• It's not too late to get your flu shot. Ask your doctor about recommended vaccines for you and your family, including children.
• If you’re feeling sick, it’s best to stay home. Avoid being around people who are sick. If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness, talk to your doctor about testing and treatment.
• Practice everyday prevention measures like covering coughs and sneezes, handwashing, staying home when sick, wearing a well-fitting mask if you choose to wear a mask, and improving airflow at home or at work.
• You can find locations for COVID-19 and flu vaccines on
Uninsured or underinsured adults can get COVID-19 vaccines at no cost through the CDC's Bridge Access Program. COVID-19 vaccines are also available at the Health Department for everyone, regardless of insurance status.

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